Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Well I haven't got to write in a few days because there hasn't been much going on. I have been spending most of my time working and hanging out with friends and family. It just recently hit me the other day that  in just a few months time I will be going 5+ months without seeing my friends and family here on the mainland. I am currently in the second stage of the hiring process, I have completed all of my new hire paperwork and have faxed it in, I am now waiting on my Welcome Call where I will be assisted in setting up a medical check with a doctor and discuss how the last portion of the hiring process. Once I have all of my paperwork, documents, and identification I will be going on a sort of "wait list" this is where, as workers check-off the ship and contracts end, the wait list moves into the spots and it a sort of rotation method. I am not 100% sure how everything after this stage works. The only thing I do know is after a set amount on board, I will get off the ship and then go through a basic coast guard training such as first aid,CPR,basic firefighting(in a complete firefighting suit), and a few other basic things. Due to this physical demand I am also currently been spending a lot of my nights at the gym working out. Well I have to get off of here and go to work. I will post again later tonight. Have A Great day and make sure to follow my blog :!!!

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