Wednesday, February 8, 2012

180 Degree Change... Life's Changes ( one and only long blog)

At 10:37 pm on Monday February 6th, my life took a 180 degree for the best I hope and think.:) For those of you who don't know me I am going to take this blog and introduce myself and explain more about my opening sentence. This will be one of the longest blogs/vlogs I will write so don't worry about always having to read a novel. On March 31, 1993 I was born in the city of Fort Worth, Texas and was raised in a small community in the DFW area called Everman, Texas growing up there really taught me a lot and I was given opportunities of a lifetime. I was raised by my grandparents and had the opportunity to travel all over the U.S.A. I have flown, cruised, and drove all over the world (kinda). At the beginning everyone around me , including myself thought that I would aspire in the medical field, while yes I have an absolute love for the field, my "teenage job" really got me interested in the other fields that are out there, food service, management, and hospitality. At the end of 6th grade year I moved in with my Father in this really small(okay really not that small but to us teenagers it was the size of a Walmart) town called Granbury, Texas, the only problem with this town is that it is mainly a retirement town. It was here that I really met some of the best friends and people I have ever known. I have a best friend and almost sister. Anna Alvarez , we have became distant after graduation but there is not a thing in the world that I wouldn't do for her. Anna if your reading this know I love ya lil sis. To anyone else who is reading this it may sound like we would date or be dating but I am clearing this up now WE ARE NOT dating and literally are LIKE FAMILY. While in high school I was a part of a very highly respected group among our athletic program, the Granbury High School Sports Medicine program. Now I say respected but that is a HUGE catch 22 comment. While we were often called water boys, water girls,managers, while we were yelled at , cussed at , treated like trash we all loved what we did and put all of that aside and did what we did best , injury prevention,recognition, treatment and rehabilitation. Yes water duty, cleaning and many other "bad and underdog" jobs came with the title it was worth the 4 years of my life I put into that program. I built some of the strongest camaraderie with the others in the group than I have anywhere else. I have some very close friends that have stuck with me through the program and even after we left some are still in. Emily and Sarah both were GHS Sports Medicine team members with me and we are now like family as well, we have formed a bond that I don't even know anything that could tear it apart. I was set to go to a small junior college in west Texas but after many situations and long hours of contemplation, I did not go. While many feel this was the worst decision I have ever made, I feel that it didn't happen because it wasn't meant to be. I spent that fall semester searching for schools, programs and many other education paths I could take. With applying to many and accepted to a few, the final decision laid in my hands, while I wanted to go into the medical field for some reason I could not make myself make the commitment. I took a  cruise the summer after graduation as my graduation present and it was then that I decided maybe I would take a 180 degree turn and look at the travel and hospitality field. I spent all summer researching and applying for cruise ship jobs with many cruise lines. This long and challenging process came to a dead end with no luck. I spent a few months just working and saving money. In the end of December of 2011, I was browsing around looking at cruise jobs again I saw that NCL America had a job fair in Atlanta, Georgia I decided to go out on a limb and make a one night trip to Atlanta with a small glimpse of hope. The informational session was short sweet and to the point , it was packed and so therefore they only had about 2-5 mins with each candidate, I was the third one interviewed and have never been more nervous, I walked in she glimpsed over my paperwork and said okay you'll get a response on Monday rather your hired or not, that plane ride home was a long stressful one, I thought about everything i said in the interview how quick it was, and how there was no way over that many people I would get the job. I landed back in Texas Thursday after the job fair those four days felt like a YEAR. Around 9:30 pm I wondered if I would ever even get any response, one hour later my life , day and year changed. My email sound went off on my phone while i didn't think twice about it, thinking it was probably just another one of my daily annoying sales emails. I then opened it and saw it was in my inbox that I ONLY use for official business, jobs, applications ,ect. I then opened it to find a conditional job offer i have never shaken and cried I was so happy until that night. I knew this started a long hiring process but so far NCL America has really outdone their selfs to make me feel welcome and help me along the process. I received my new-hire paperwork and completed it today and am about to go fax it in. This process will take a little while and it could be up to four months before I leave but I am ready to start and make the best of this. I will kinda explain the hiring process in a separate blog later on tonight. Please subscribe and look for video blogs and more to come, I have not figured out if I want to do the blogs on here or a separate video blog side , I know for sure I also have a youtube site so I will be sharing links, my other sites ect. soon. I will stop blabbing now and let you all get back to your lives, I know this one was long and I apologize, but from now on they will all be cruise line employment oriented. If you have any questions, comments,concerns or have topics you want me to blog about please email them to

Have a Great Day

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