Friday, March 2, 2012


Hello Readers,

This post won't be too long as I have to get up in 7 hours and make a 3.5 hour drive home and be at work by 2 so tomorrow will make for a long day and cranky Tyler but I would trade anything for what I have going in my life. Yesterday around midday I drove to San Antonio and spent the night with my mother, we then woke up and drove down to Corpus Christi today to complete my application and registration for my TWIC card. This is a card required in order to have un escorted assess to secure areas. Now let me remind you the trip from San Antonio to Corpus took around 2 + hours, my TWIC appointment... a whopping 10mins.... so this trip seemed pointless, but let me make it even clearer,,, I must travel down there again to pick up and activate my card which will take another 10 min appointment.... but the journeys make it 100% worth it. Well not much else happened this past week or so or since my last post. Well guess it is time for me to get off this computer,pintrest, and Facebook and hit the sack before my long drive tomorrow. Hope everyone has a great day!!!!

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