Saturday, March 17, 2012


Hello blog readers,

   Sorry it has been such a long time since I have updated it has been a very busy week as I was working extended schedules at work since we are on spring break schedule. Not much has happened as far as progress....... okay i say not much but truthfully a lot has happened.... On 3/9/2012 my MMC application was submitted on my behalf by NCL. This process usually is a 8-10 week process from the time it is submitted to USCG, goes through review of my Medical,Criminal,Personal and everything from the time that I was born to current day. As of 12:38 p.m. on March 16th,2012 my MMC credentials are currently in USPS First Class somewhere in the U.S. on its way to my house. I will be traveling down to Corpus Christi on Wednesday the 21st in order to pick up my TWIC card and my MMC should be in my mailbox any day now. As soon as this arrives I will take a copy of it and fax it to my recruiter who will in return give me either my sail date or put me on the wait list. At this point in time everything is becoming more and more real and the fact that soon I will be making Hawaii my home for 5 months at a time and in between contracts will be touring the world. I know at this point in time my blog seems very repetitive so please bare with me as the closer to sail out and once on board the blog should be full of great stories. I will also be sharing my stories of my travels during my breaks so once this all get rolling it should be great. At this point in time I am looking for questions from my readers,, it can be about anything... Wanting more info about one of my entries, wanting to know more on how I got to this point, questions about the cruise industry from a cruisers view, what I am expecting, what I know about my job at this point. If I don't know the answers I will try and find them for you.

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