Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Start of something New?

Let me start by explaining a little about my self. I am 18 about to turn 19 years old. I grew up in two different towns, first in Everman, Texas then moved to Granbury, Texas when I started the 7th grade. I have been on multiple cruises since the age of around 5, I was to young to remember in great detail. In face I am so into cruising I remember there was one year during my childhood where I actually celebrated Easter on the ship. I recently went on my graduation cruise in June of 2011. It was then that everything hit me and I decided that I would LOVE the opportunity to work on board and provide a great experience for the guest, while also getting to travel the world myself. I spent pretty much all of summer 2011 preparing resumes, watching hours upon hours of real videos from crew already on board ships, contacting recruiters throughout the world, finding people who currently and previously work on cruise ships that could provide me information about their experience, I was downed however when I found out that most cruise lines have a minimum hiring age of 21. However I was given a glimpse of hope when I fount a company called NCL America, they operate a vessel in the islands of Hawaii and it is an american crew, they hire anyone older than 18. When I fount this out I began doing a ton of more hours of hunting on the web, I watched more videos, fount more people, and spent countless hours touching up my resume and making sure I had everything just right. I sent a resume in at then end of July 2011 and heard absolutely nothing, I was devastated, then in January of 2012 I decided I was going to re-apply and re-submit my application, while emailing my resume I found out that I emailed my first one to the wrong address :) whoops :(. Then I fount out that NCL America was hosting a job fair in Atlanta,Georgia on February 2nd 2012, I began the long crazy week of figuring out ways to get there, luckily through the help of very supportive friends and family. I now have a flight to Atlanta, Georgia on February 1st 2012 to go for the job fair and hopefully begin my new life and career with NCL America, while I must stay on the U.S. Flagged ship until at least my 21st birthday, my overall goals are to make my way to a World Wide Ship and tour the world via the great oceans. This about wraps up all of my blog for this time. It will be a crazy few days the next 4-5 days so I won't be able to blog much. You can defiantly look for a video on February 1st about my trip to San Antonio to catch my flight out. Feel free to email me at if you have any questions or things you wish for me to talk about during my up coming blog.